Marchmont Team bonding at Chesterton’s Polo in the Park

Posted: 23rd June 2017

On the 11th of June 2017, the Marchmont Surveyors team enjoyed a group bonding day at Chesteron’s Polo in The Park.

A fantastic day was had at this large, exciting event which saw a unique format of fast and furious polo, which made a change for the team from the fast and furious property world. 

Ashley Miller, a director at Marchmont comments ” We feel it is so important to get the Team out of the office and relaxing together in a new environment. Events like these reinforce bonds and get people talking and sharing experiences, which can only assist our Clients in the long run”

Marchmont Surveyors are firm believers in “Work Hard, Play Hard”. The company’s overall success is based on respect, consideration and always recognising that however busy the team are, it is still necessary to find time to unwind and just have some fun.