How to avoid a Dilapidation Claim – do it yourself !

Kevin Davies managed to bring some Customer Delight when dealing with a recent up and coming lease expiry on 30,000 sqft of office space in Somerset.
The Landlord was not VAT registered and there were significant Tenant Alterations in the property, to be removed on expiry – so following Kevin’s Strategy review with the Client and in line with our recommendation – a £148k work s contract was placed.
Marchmont cost engineered the specification of works and Project Managed the contractors on site during the last 3 months of the lease, following vacation. The end result was no Dilapidation Claim from the Landlord, all VAT expended on the works was reclaimed and the Client had full control of the cost budget, so no exorbitant Landlord fees.
A job well done and a plan well worth considering where vacation can be obtained prior to expiry.