Marchmont in La Thuile – 2019 Ski Trip

Posted: 27th June 2019

As Marchmont tradition dictates, the best way to celebrate another successful business year is with a company skiing holiday, and this year was no exception.


With our director Ashley Miller back on form after missing out on last year’s trip due to a previous skiing mishap, the team were ready and looking forward to the chance to relax, socialise and celebrate the previous year’s successes, showing off on La Thuile’s stunning slopes during the day before unwinding with a bit of après-ski in it’s cosy bars and restaurants by night.

Although the trip provides a much needed opportunity for relaxation away from the office, it also showcases the qualities which make Marchmont so successful and shows why we value our team so highly. While our days on the slopes are spent working hard to improve, with all of our staff committed to being the best they can be and the more advanced skiers never hesitating to help and support their colleagues, the evenings provide an opportunity for our staff to show off their more relaxed and easy-going sides. At Marchmont we know how important it is to maintain a good work/life balance but we also know that that is sometimes easier said than done which is why we value our annual ski trip so highly. Its the perfect opportunity for us to celebrate our successes, grow as a team and generally let out hair down and relax.


Kevin Davies (Director) comments:

“As such a close-knit team, the annual ski trip is greatly anticipated every year as it provides an opportunity for the whole business to get together to relax and socialise outside working environment. It is such a pleasure to see the team working together and supporting each other both on and off the piste, regardless of their skiing abilities or experience within the business. There is certainly never a shortage of camaraderie among the team!”